effective from 21 June 2022
1. PLAR are the rates to assess the cost of buildings when detailed architectural and structural design are not available.
2. PLAR are formulated by studying plenty of variables, data, and assumptions only to provide
hints on the cost of construction over a couple of years.
3. A wide range variation of actual cost from PLAR directs to study- (i) architectural & structural
design, (i) site condition, (ii) finish schedule, (iv) decision built up.
4. Exclusive works related to the high density of cost like exclusive ornamental works/cladding are
beyond the scope of PLAR.
5. PLAR never resembles an actual cost; instead, it's a probabilistic cost for fund conformity after a time-dependent tender and agreement procedure to run a smooth project.
6. PLAR costs for buildings are to be assessed after confirming the building category namely
'standard', 'super', and 'special'.
7. 'Special' category for office buildings is to be decided by Chief Engineer, PWD, and Chief
Architect, Department of Architecture.
8. PLAR includes 22.703% extra cost for providing contractor's profit, overhead charge, and VAT.
The plinth area is the area bounded by the exterior perimeter of a floor or the perimeter formed by joining the lines on the outer faces of columns in the floor, including any area kept opening whatsoever, except the courtyard open to the sky.
The category of buildings should be understood by the terms standard, super, and special according to the facilities and finishing components provided there. As a guide- The standard category of buildings is made in quality and provided with general basic facilities and finished components are mostly of local materials, bricks, sand, cement, and lime-based but have a hygienic finish in toilets, lavatories, and kitchens.
*1. Mat foundation leading to basement floor Tk. 900.00 per sqm to be deducted, but to add cost from the basement construction system (Table-4),
*2. Precast Pile of length 18m and size 350mm x 350mm considered,
*3. For pile lengths of 18m to 24m, Tk. 11,855 per sqm to be added,
*4. For pile lengths of 24m to 30m, Tk. 20,387 per sqm to be added,
*5. For pile lengths of 30m to 36m, Tk. 28,919 per sqm to be added,
*6. For pile lengths of 36m to 42m, Tk. 37,451 per sqm to be added,
*7. For pile lengths of 42m to 45m, Tk. 41,717 per sqm to be added,
*8. For Cast-in-situ pile foundation, 20% cost to be added,
*9. Add 2% for fc=32MPa, fcr = 40MPa, with crushed stone chips, Cement Content to Nominal Mix Ratio 1: 1.25: 2.5 and Cement CEM -1, 52.5N,
*10. Add 3% for fc=40MPa, fcr= 50MPa, with crushed stone chips, Cement Content to Nominal Mix Ratio 1: 1: 2 and Cement CEM-1, 52.5N,
*11. Add 4% for fc=50MPa, fcr = 60MPa, with crushed stone chips, Cement CEM-1, 52.5N and High-range water-reducing chemical admixture Type-G,
*12. For buildings with more than 36 stories (including basements), the rate is to be increased by 3% for each additional floor up to 45 stories (including basements).
Df= Depth of Foundation
*1. The cost of Retaining walls etc included in Table-4,
*2. Floor height (h) is considered as 3.35 meters (11'-0"),
*3. If floor height h> 3.35 meter (11'-0") and ≤ 3.66 meter (12'-0"), add 3%,
*4. If floor height h> 3.66 meter (12'-0") and ≤ 4.0 meter (13'-0"), add 5%,
*5. Regular-shaped building with a span of up to 7.5 meters has been considered,
*6. For building with more than 36 stories, the rate is to be increased by 1% for each additional floor up to 45 stories.
1. For building with more than 1 (one) basement, the member weightage rate shall be taken from the immediate left cell(s) of the selected column for each additional basement.
example: For 20 storied building with 3 no. of basements, values from column-20 to be read on the basis of no. of story
**for the 1st basement- Tk. 4363 to be taken
**for the 2nd basement-Tk. 4493 to be taken from the immediate left column, i.e. from column-21
**for the 3rd basement- Tk. 4602 to be taken from 2nd left column, i.e. from column-22
2. For building with more than 36 stories, the member weightage rate for the topmost floors shall be the same as the top floors rate for 36-storied buildings. And member weightage rate for the remaining floors (not in the table) shall be successively increased by 1.5% from the ground floor for each additional story up to 45 stories.
example: For 38 storied building member weightage for the 36th floor shall be the same as the 34th floor of 36 storied building, i.e. Tk. 274.
Member weightage for the 2nd floor shall be the same as the ground floor of 36 stoned buildings, i.e. Tk. 6137.
Member weightage for the 1st floor shall be the same as the ground floor of 37 storied buildings, i.e. (1.015 x Tk. 6137) Tk. 6229.
Member weightage for the ground floor shall be (1.015 x 1.015 x Tk. 6137) = Tk. 6323
01. Saline zone, to use concrete of min f'c= 25 MPa
02. for i) severe and very severe earth-quake zone, or-
ii) coastal area affected by cyclone & water surge, or-
iii) special types of structures such as hospitals, fire service stations, etc.
(building occupancy category Ill and IV as per BNBC Table-6.1.1)
: to use concrete of min fc = 25 MPa
1% of PLAR
3% of superstructure cost (table-2 +table-3)
03. Rooftop RCC parapet Tk. 4,642.00 sqm of parapet
04. Roof-top RCC water tank in/c beams & supports etc. Tk. 178.00 gallon
05. For Inaccessible area (as per Chapter-33: Added rate for Inaccessible area)
i) Category A (Accessibility with moderate difficulty)
ii) Category B (Accessibility with high difficulty)
iii) Category C (Accessibility with extreme difficulty)
5% of PLAR
10% of PLAR
15% of PLAR
06. Internal Sanitary and Water Supply: Rate in BDT
(i) Residential Building
Standard Tk. 1,313.00 sqm
Super Tk. 1,907.00 sqm
Special Tk. 2,688.00 sqm
(ii) Non-residential Building
Standard Tk. 1,063.00 sqm
Super Tk. 1,563.00 sqm
Special Tk. 2,125.00 sqm
07. Internal Electrification:
(i) Residential Building
Standard Tk. 2,130.00 sqm
Super Tk. 2,490.00 sqm
Special Tk. 2,760.00 sqm
(ii) Non-residential Building
Standard Tk. 1,605.00 sqm
Super Tk. 1,930.00 sqm
Special Tk. 2,140.00 sqm
08. Gas Connection:
(i) Ground Floor Tk. 455.00 sqm
(ii) Other Floors Tk. 182.00 sqm
09. External Water Supply and Sanitation:
(i) Underground Water Reservoir
1. Up to 20.000 gallon Tk. 106.00 gallon
2. above 20.000 gallons Tk. 89.00 gallon
(ii) Distribution line, water pump, pump house, WASA/Municipal Charge as per requirement
(iii) Septic Tank, Soak well, Inspection pit.
(iv) Sewage Treatment plant (STP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP)
(v) Rain Water harvesting system
Estimate to be Prepared on the basis of requirements
10. External Electrification:
(i) Sub-station building.
(ii) Sub-station equipment/transformer.
(iii) Pump & motor set including installation.
(iv) H.T./LT Line.
(v) PDB/DESA/DESCO/REB charge.
(vi) Standby power & source.
(vii) Earthing system.
(viii) Overhead transmission.
(ix) Underground cable laying.
(x) Compound light, wiring system & other safety systems.
(xi) Solar PV system
Estimate to be Prepared on the basis of requirements
11. Boundary Wall:
(i) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80 m in height, the level difference between FGL and EGL up to 0.45m:
Construction of RCC (fc = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8m above FGL and foundation depth 1.5m from EGL, having column size 250mm × 250mm @ 10'-0" c/c, 250 mm × 250 mm size grade beam at FGL, 75mm thick and 375mm width RCC coping, 125mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns. 12mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface and 6mm plaster (1:4) on RCC and providing standard acrylic emulsion paint at exterior surface etc.
Tk. 13,960.00 meter
(ii) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80m in height, the level difference between FGL and EGL=0.45 m to 1.50m:
Construction of RCC (fc = 22MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8m above FGL and depth of foundation 1.5m from EGL, having column size 250mm × 250mm @ 10'-0" c/c, 250 mm × 250 mm size grade beam at FGL and one additional grade beam on EGL, 75mm thick and 375mm width RCC coping, 125mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns. 12mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface and 6mm plaster (1:4) on RCC and providing standard acrylic emulsion paint at exterior surface etc.
TK. 23,129.00 meter
(iii) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80m in height, the level difference between FGL and EGL=1.50m to 3.00m:
Construction of RCC (fc' = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8 m above FGL and depth of foundation 1.5 m from EGL, having column size 250 mm × 250 mm @ 10'-0" c/c with 250 mm × 250 mm RCC struts, one grade beam at ground level and 2 (two) additional grade beams in between EGL and FGL, 75 mm thick and 375 mm width RCC coping, 125 mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns. 12 mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface and 6mm plaster (1:4) on RCC and providing standard acrylic emulsion paint at exterior surface etc.
TK. 37,164.00 meter
(iv) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80m in height, the level difference between FGL and EGL=1.50m to 3.00m; with PILE foundation:
Construction of RCC (fc' = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8 m above FGL and depth of foundation 1.5 m from EGL, having column size 250 mm × 250 mm @ 10'-0" c/c, one grade beam at ground level and 2 (two) additional grade beams in between EGL and FGL, 75 mm thick and 375 mm width RCC coping, 125 mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns. 12 mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface and 6 mm plaster (1:4) on RCC and providing standard acrylic emulsion paint at the exterior surface. 2 nos. of (250 mm x 250 mm) 10 m long precast pile per column.
TK. 51,998.00 meter
(v) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80m in height, level difference egy between FGL and EGL-3.00m to 4.50m; with RCC retaining wall (without PILE):
Construction of RCC (fc' = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix ratio of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8 m above FGL and depth of foundation 1.5 m from EGL, Retaining wall up to FGL and column size 250 mm x 250 mm @ 10'-0" c/c above FGL, 75 mm thick and 375 mm width RCC coping, 125 mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns; 12 mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface, 6 mm plaster (1:4) on RCC, exterior standard acrylic emulsion paint. Soil Bearing Capacity assumed 1.5 Ksf.
TK. 89,448.00 meter
(vi) Boundary wall in RCC Frame, 1.80m in height, the level difference between FGL and EGL=3.00m to 4.50m; with RCC retaining wall (with PILE):
Construction of RCC (fc' = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix rata of 1:2:4 with stone chips) frame boundary wall of height 1.8 m above FGL and depth of foundation 1.5 m from EGL, Retaining wall up to FGL and column size 250 mm × 250 mm @ 10'-0" c/c above FGL, 75 mm thick and 375 mm width RCC coping, 125 mm thick brick work with mortar (1:4) in between columns; 12 mm plaster (1:6) on brick surface, 6 mm plaster (1:4) on RCC, exterior standard acrylic emulsion paint. Assumed 2 (two) nos. of 300 mm × 300 mm size 12 m long pile @ 1.5 m c/c along the length of the retaining wall.
TK. 119,944.00 meter
(vii) Additional cost for ornamental works at the front side of the Boundary Wail (considered only a portion of work above GB)
TK. 2,645.00 meter
(viii) Main Gate (SS)
Manufacturing, supplying, fitting, and fixing the main gate made of S.S. Grade A304 of any design and shape as per drawing and design and accepted by the Engineer.
TK. 38,690.00 meter
(ix) Main Gate (MS)
Manufacturing, supplying, fitting, and fixing main gate made of M.S. rod and angle of any design and shape as per drawing and design and accepted by the Engineer.
TK. 26,538.00 meter
12. Barbed wire fencing over the boundary wall:
(i) Type-1 (Y-shape): barbed wire in fencing work @ 150 mm c/c in both horizontally and vertically:
Supplying, fitting, and fixing 12 BWG barbed wire (2 plies, 4 points) in fencing work @ 150 mm c/c in both horizontally and vertically, supported by 38 mm × 38 mm × 6 mm M.S. Y-shape angle post (300 mm embedded in R.C.C. or in brickwork with a cement concrete base of 75 mm × 75 mm × 300 mm) 600 mm vertical and 450 mm inclined @2.4 m c/c including straightening, binding the joints with 18 BWG wire making holes in the angle, etc. in/c supplying of all necessary materials complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(Rate is excluding the cost of R.C.C. or brickwork or C.C. which is to be paid as per corresponding items in the schedule)
TK. 1,122.00 meter
(ii) Type-2 (Spiral-type): barbed wire of 600 mm dia in fencing work:
Supplying, fitting, and fixing 12 BWG barbed wire fencing in a circular shape of 600 mm dia and 76 mm pitch fitted with ms rod casing (made by 8 nos. 10 mm dia plain bar in a circular pattern and placed at equal intervals), 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle post (300 mm embedded in R.C.C. or in brickwork with a cement concrete base of 75 mm × 75 mm × 300 mm) and 600 mm vertical and 450 mm inclined placed @ 3000 mm c/c including straightening, binding the joints with 18 BWG wire, making holes in the angle, etc. including supply of all necessary materials complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(Rate is excluding the cost of R.C.C or brickwork or C.C. which is to be paid as per corresponding items in the schedule)
TK. 2,436.00 meter
13. Road Work:
(i) R.C.C. Road:
Construction of R.C.C. (minimum fcr = 30 MPa, and satisfying a specified compressive strength f'c = 25 MPa at 28 days on standard cylinders, crushed stone chips as coarse aggregate, cement content related to mix ratio 1:1.5:3) road with 250mm thick guide wall of height 0.30 meter, 150 mm thick R.C.C work over one layer 1st class brick flat soling and polythene sheet including the cost of reinforcement 10 mm dia MS rod 175 mm c/c in both direction.
TK. 3,163.00 sqm
(ii) Bituminous Carpeting Road:
Construction of 38 mm thick compacted bituminous carpeted road over 150 mm thick sand surface with 75 mm thick end edging, 62 mm-37 mm size brick bats khoa consolidation, and compacted water bound macadam of 150 mm thickness, providing tack coat, seal coat, and prime coat as per requirement.
TK. 2,886.00 sqm
14. Semi-Permanent Structure:
Plinth area rates for standard semi-permanent building with C.I sheet roofing on metal truss, supported on brick pillars & walls in 1:4 cement sand mortar having 75 mm thick D.P.C in/c earthwork, backfilling in foundation and plinth 1m & 125 mm thick panel brickwork in superstructure with 150 mm × 250 mm intermediate pillar at 2.4 m to 3 m C/C, doors, and windows made of best local timber with standard window grills, R.C.C work (1:2:4) in the lintel, patent stone flooring (1:2:4), minimum 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in plinth, steps, and dado, aesthetically accepted low-cost false ceiling, white/color washing, and necessary earthwork in foundation, earth, and sand filling in the plinth and other petty items as required and complete to function in all respect.
TK. 12,938.00 sqm
15. Drain and Apron:
(i) Surface drain of 300 mm clear width and depth up to 300 mm:
Constructing RCC (fc = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27 MPa in nominal mix 1:2:4 with stone chips) surface drain of 300 mm clear width and depth up to 300 mm with 125 mm thick check walls and 125 mm thick base over one layer of brick flat soling. The surface has minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M 1.2) plaster (1:3) and neat cement finishing with cement curing at least for 7 days including excavation in all kinds of soil, backfilling with fine sand (F.M 0.8), consolidating and dressing, cost of water, electricity, other charges, etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer in charge. (Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Tk. 3,196.00 meter
(ii) Surface drain of 225 mm clear width and 600 mm (av.) depth:
Constructing RCC (fc = 22 MPa, minimum fcr = 27MPa in nominal mix 1:2:4 with stone chips) surface drain of 600 mm (av.) depth and 225 mm dear width at the bottom and 525 mm at the top, having 125 mm thick check walls maintaining side slopes and 125 mm thick base over one layer of polythene on top of brick flat soling. The surface has minimum 12mm thick cement sand (FM 1.2) plaster (1:3) including neat cement finishing the surfaces and back of the drain up to 150 mm below ground level with fresh cement (conforming to BDS 232) curing at least for 7 days, including excavation of all kinds of soil, backfilling with fine sand (F.M 0.8) consolidating and dressing, including the cost of water, electricity, other charges, etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer in charge. (Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Tk. 5,614.00 meter
(iii) Apron:
Provide apron with 50 mm thick cement concrete (1:2:4) with cement, coarse sand, and picked jhama chips including breaking chips and one layer of brick flat soling at the bottom with first class or picked jhama bricks including cutting earth for preparation of bed and filling the interstices with local sand (F.M. 0.8) including finishing, dressing, curing at least for 7 days, etc. all complete, including the cost of water, electricity, other charges accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Tk. 1,055.00 sqm
16. Special Considerations:
(i) Safety canopy, safety net, and other environmental considerations
(ii) Construction lift (for 7 storied building and above)
(iii) Special ornamental works (if any)
(iv) Rooftop gardening
(v) Kitchen cabinet and wall cabinet etc.
(vi) False ceiling and wall paneling etc.
(vii) Acoustics works
Estimate to be prepared on the basis of requirements
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