Explanations: Fare tresses man's imperial race ensnare, And beauty draws us with a single hair.

Fare tresses man's imperial race ensnare,
And beauty draws us with a single hair.

Answer: This is one of the most memorable and conspicuous statements and this has been exhibited in the second canto of the famous heroi-comical “The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope. He is a dominant figure in eighteenth-century English Literature. Here Pope has sarcastically described the hypnotic power of Belinda's hair. Belinda's hair, like a trap, can ensnare a beau.

Actually, Belinda is the main character of “The Rape of the Lock”. She is beautiful but her locks of hair have made her beauty insurmountable. She takes pride in her beautiful locks of hair. Pope here sarcastically says that her hair can even entrap the human race. It is only her hair that has enabled her to entangle men. In fact, through these lines, Pope has portrayed the picture of the then pleasure-seeking London life. Belinda represents the women of the then society. The women like Belinda used to make themselves fashionable with various peculiar additional elements just to attract the horse hair and the fishes to swallow the hook.

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