Make a comparative study between the Lilliputian Emperor and the Brobdingnagian King in Gulliver's Travels

Question: Make a comparative study between the Lilliputian Emperor and the Brobdingnagian King in Gulliver's Travels.

Or, Compare the Lilliputian Emperor with the Brobdingnagian King as rulers in Gulliver's Travels.

Or, The first two books of Gulliver's Travels are complementary to each other- Do you agree? Discuss.

Or, Compare and contrast The Emperor of Lilliput with the King of Brobdingnag.

Answer: Jonathan swift is the greatest intellectual figure in the first half of the 18th century. He is considered the greatest satirist on the English literary horizon. He is the subtle observer of the follies and foibles of human society. He tries to see human beings through the two sides of the telescope. So, human beings have been presented in two opposite sizes and shapes almost with the same vices and greed. Gulliver's Travels presents the views on English politics and politicians of the 19th century through contrast and comparisons. The two kings appear in two opposite sizes and shapes but they resemble in some habits.

In the novel Gulliver's Travels, Swift has highlighted the absurdities and good qualities of Kings and Queens. The elements of contemporary politics and politicians have been reflected in the characters and philosophies of the Lilliputian's Emperor and the King of Brobdingnag. The portrayal of the Emperor of Lilliput sharply contrasts with that of the King of Brobdingnag.

The Emperor of Lilliput and the King of Brobdingnag represent two different policies of the rulers. The difference between them is mainly due to their formation and conditions of living. Swift has used the technique of comparison in order to bring his ideas home.

The people of Lilliput are just six inches in height and their Emperor is taller than a normal Lilliputian. On the other hand, the. King of Brobdingnag is the ruler of the people who are sixty feet in height. Gulliver is a "man mountain” in Lilliput but becomes a dwarf - in Brobdingnag.

The Emperor of Liliput stands for excessive pride. He is an absolute monarch and seems to be an incarnation of pride. He is an excessively proud man and his pride manifests in his dealing with his subjects. The political system of Lillipút is based upon the absolute power of one man. It is, really, a corrupted system and we see how a corrupted system creates corrupted men. It is pride that is the root of corruption in Lilliput. Pride completely destroys the Emperor's conscience and it leads him to the pursuit of absolute power. In contrast, the King of Brobdingnag stands for simplicity and kindness. O He is huge and unexpectedly obedient. He is a man of Targeness and gigantic physical stature. But, he is very simple and uncomplicated. He rules his kingdom through love and not fear. He is kind, and simple, and is always seeking the well beings of his subjects.

The Emperor of Lilliput has turned the court into a palace of a secret plot. Rope dancing, leaping, and creeping are the devices of pleasing the Emperor. In fact, the Emperor of Lilliput is out and out a politically corrupted man. On the other hand, the King of Brobdingnagian has turned his kingdom into a “land of giants". He is really a fair and merciful ruler. Morality, poetry, history, and mathematics are emphasized in this Emperor. Wars are almost non. existent in this Emperor.

Both the Emperor of Lilliput and the King of Brobdingnag are curious about Gulliver but the nature of their curiosity is quite difficult. Gulliver was arrested when he reached the land of Lilliput. - The Emperor of Lilliput is curious about Gulliver. When he was taken to the capital, the Emperor came on horseback to see him. Gulliver was searched and many of his belongings including his sword and pistol were taken away from him. Gulliver was chained because of the danger that he poses to that country. On the other hand, the King of Brobdingnag was simply amazed to see such a small creature as Gulliver is - because he himself and his subjects are people of giant sizes. He sends three great scholars to Gulliver to examine his body and explain how this strange creature came to have such a small boy. The three scholars give different explanations that Gulliver was a freak of nature. At a later time, the Emperor likes Gulliver and directs his queen to take particular care of Gulliver.

The Emperor of Lilliput was imperialistic. He was “the delight and terror of the universe”. He wants to rule over the whole universe. That is why; he wants to bring Blefuscu under his sovereignty. Yet he is not satisfied and he wants Gulliver to destroy all the ships of Blefuscu. But, Gulliver refuses to do so. The Emperor becomes displeased with him and plans to punish him. He also wanted to destroy the Big-Indians living in exile in Blefuscu. Thus the Emperor is the idol of tyranny and hypocrisy. On the contrary, the King of Brobdingnag is the representation of virtue and benevolence. He is peace-loving and not anti-human like the Emperor of Lilliput. He has no desire to colonize countries and people. He opposed destruction and war.

The Emperor of Lilliput is a war trader. When Gulliver was arrested at Lilliput, the Emperor wanted Gulliver to show him the working of his pistol. But the King of Brobdingnag does not support war at all. When Gulliver offered the King to learn the method of manufacturing gun powder from him violently rejected the proposal. He said that those who invented these destructive machines are the enemy of mankind. He would rather lose half of his kingdom than learn the secret of these evil machines. But if the Emperor would be offered with such a proposal of manufacturing gunpowder, he would heartily welcome it.

Another important comparison is the King's belief in two conflicting parties representing the Tory and the Whig of England. The Emperor is a follower of Small-Endian. But, on the other hand, the King of Brobdingnag is devoid of any political favor or inclusion.+07

To sum up, we may that in this way the comparison and contrast between the Emperor of Lilliput and the King of Brobdingnag are vivid. The Lilliputian Emperor is oppressive and a tyrant while the Brobdingnagian King is peace-loving, kind, and devoted to the prosperity of the nation. Thus the first two books of Gulliver's Travels are complementary to each other.

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