Comment on Canto-IV of Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock.

Question: Comment on Umbriel's journey to the Cave of Spleen.

Or, What is the significance of Umbriel's journey to the Cave of Spleen in Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock?

Or, Comment on Canto-IV of Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock.

Answer: "The Rape of the Lock” is one of the greatest mock-heroic or heroi-comical poems in English literature. It is also called the mock-epic. Alexander Pope severely satirized the aristocratic society through this achievement. He has drawn the real picture of famous for the journey of a gnome to the cave of Spleen. The name of the gnome is Umbriel. Umbriel is a gnome that is, the spirit of the earth. He pays a visit to the underworld known as the cave of Spleen, Spleen is a malady that was called vapours, hypochondria, and hysteria by the Pope's contemporaries. Alexander Pope depicts Spleen as a sullen goddess who dwells in an underworld cave. The cave is filled with ghostly figures, shapes, and subsidiary personifications. The term 'Spleen' was used to refer to several ailments of body and mind supposed to be due to the humor "melancholy" or "black bile".

Umbriel is a coarse and crude spirit of the earth. He is hateful. Belinda, the central character of the poem, flies into a rage and becomes despair because she loses her lock of hair. Her lock of hair is ravished by the Baron, a young gallant who represents Lord Petre. Losing her lock of hair Belinda is ireful and becomes disappointed. Her guardian sylph, Ariel also leaves her. That is why he warns her again and again but she does not pay heed to him. As a result, Belinda's lock of hair and virginity are raped. Taking this scope Umbriel wants to enhance her grief and fury. So he decides to pay a visit to the goddess, Spleen for help because Spleen is the goddess of ill-temper and sullenness. She is a deity, who is the personification of ill-nature, gloom, discontent, and disgruntlement.

At last, the journey of Umbriel starts. He sets out to the cave of Spleen. Reaching the gloomy abode of Spleen in the form of a dark-colored mist, he sees the goddess. He observes that Spleen is seated on her melancholy throne in a sullen state of mind. On her side, is seated Pain and at her head is seated Megrim who personifies severe headache. Here Pope describes-
"She sighs forever on her pensive bed,
Pain at her side and Megrim at her head.”
Actually, Pain and Headache are the constant companions of Spleen. It is said that a person who constantly suffers from spleen or is splenetic by temper, feels melancholy all the time. Such a person suffers from constant pain in his head and in his body. It is for this reason that pain and headache are represented as the constant companions of Spleen.

The Umbriel finds that two maidservants attend upon Spleen in her tomb-like cave. One of the maidservants is Ill-nature. This maidservant looks very aged and has withered skin. But she wears an attractive dress, black and white in color. In her hand, she carries a large number of players to be used in the mornings, at noons, and at night. But in her bosom, she hides a large number of abusive satires with which she lashes her victims. Here Pope means to say that Ill-nature is malicious and tries to hurt people with her lampoons. But she tries to cover her malice with an attractive appearance. She pretends to be pious and innocent which she is actually not.

Another maidservant is Affectation who is the Personification of pretended modesty and delicacy. Affectation is also an old woman with a pale and sickly appearance. But she tries to show in her cheeks an artificial rosy glow of a young girl of eighteen. She can lisp like children. She always pretends to swoon to gain the attention of others. Actually, Pope has bitterly criticized and satirized the eighteenth century's way of life, especially women. Because the aristocratic ladies of that time were very fashionable and loved to speak aloud.

Umbriel goes on to describe many things in the cave of Spleen. Overcoming some trivial disasters he is able to reach the throne of the goddess. Then he delivers a long speech about his ability to perform - some so-called great feats. He can make a man cuckold ugly and grief and so on. Now he asks for help from the goddess, Spleen. Though Spleen, at first, rejects his suit, she agrees to give him what he wants. Then she pours a bag with sighs, sobs screams, curses, loud quarrels, disputes, angry Wards, etc. Pope asserts—
"There she collects the force of female lungs,
Sighs, sobs, and passions, and the war of tongues.”
Thus the nag is filled with all the strength and vigor with which women express either their fury or their grief. The goddess next fills a bottle with nervous fear, gentle sorrows and griefs, and overflowing tears. Pope says-
"A vial next she fills with fainting fears,
Soft sorrows, melting griefs, and flowing tears."
The gnome Umbriel feels happy to receive these gifts from Spleen. He has got what he wants with these gifts he comes back to the earth and uses it properly. He is able to do what he wants. He pours these over Belinda's head so that her grief and fury may enhance. Thus Umbriel finishes his journey to the cave of Spleen.

However, in conclusion, we can say that Umbriel's journey to the cave of Spleen is very significant and meaningful. Alexander Pope is the greatest for the personification. He is also the master of satire. In fact, the canto IV and the supernatural machinery he has been added afterward.

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